Monday, June 10, 2013

Memphis Cemetery

 Number four on our quest to visit Macomb County cemeteries was the Memphis cemetery.  This one is pretty near and dear to my heart as I grew up in Memphis during my teen years.  I know many of the people who are buried here and I am related to many as well.  

This cemetery has some pretty fun stones that are old and large.

Many are broken and propped up so that they can still be recognized.  Really, they are propped up so the mower does not get damaged but hey, the recognition factor is sound more meaningful doesn't it?

This grave marker has been in this cemetery since before my time.  It is a smooth marble ball and we used to come touch it at night as kids supposing that it was a haunted artifact that glowed green in the moonlight.  I had many walks to the cemetery at night but never did I see it glow green or anything for that matter.  This is by far the coolest marker in this cemetery but I could be biased with nostalgia. 


Here is the mausoleum.  Nothing particularly fun or interesting about it but it is all part of our quest to recognize it all the same.

What cemetery does not have cool veteran markers on their graves?  Actually, a lot do not.  These are always fun grave markers because they illicit conversations with my boy that I otherwise would not have had about war, honor, and the freedom that we enjoy as American's. 


The Memphis Cemetery is quite large with many stones to see.  This was a nice fall afternoon with the sounds of bustling leaves and the wind whistling through the tree tops.


I am always mindful to remind the boy not to touch the markers (especially these tall ones) as I had heard recently about a boy that was crushed to death when a tombstone fell over on him.

I failed to get pictures of tombstones of many family members and friends but we did spend quite a bit of time visiting them - Much (I am sure) to my boy's complete boredom. ;-)

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